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Do you want tocreate your own WEBSITE and start selling your products ONLINE ?

Do you want toupgrade your WEBSITE for sellingONLINE ?

Do you want to upgradeyour existing SHOPPING CART ?

Designz Plaza is the complete E-Commerce Solution for your needs!

Company Profle

Designz Plaza is a team of web design specialists based at Hyderabad in AndhraPradesh. We're friendly people with lots of experience. After more than six years and hundreds of web projects, we are proud of our reputation for service and various happy clients in diversified fields. We stay devoted to their results by listening, planning, then executing flawlessly. We have design down to a science and our project management is a work of art.


Packages starting from Rs. 3,000/month onwards. Save money on physical shop rent, electricity bill. Less worry about hiring employees, training, salary, and retention.

Easy to Manage

No technical / Programming experience needed to manage your online store. We will setup your online store including payment gateway integration.


Our professionally trained support team is available to assist you with issue you may encounter.

Marketing Tools

400 + features. Inbuilt SEO management fremework at no extra cost and avail free Google ADWORDS worth Rs. 3,500 to the power of internet marketing.

Designz Plaza - Reliable, Secure & Proven Solution                                           SEO PACKAGES - LOCAL (India)     GLOBAL
Our Clients